What to do with a Degree in Chemistry

Among the wide array of college courses offered these days, a Chemistry degree may be last on your list since you might be wondering what to do with a degree in Chemistry. Does a Chemistry degree only entail working in a laboratory, in all-white lab coat, filling and mixing chemicals in test tubes?

Many students have asked the question, “what to do with a degree in Chemistry?” A degree in Chemistry does not have to be all test tubes and mixing chemicals. Granted, the training largely involves many sessions in the laboratory, but all the skills you will learn in the lab are very important especially in real life situations. Before concluding that Chemistry is not right for you, why not make an honest assessment of the question, “what to do with a degree in Chemistry”?

Skills learned in the Lab

Chemistry is not just a simple Science subject. This branch of Science is present in all aspects of not only science and medicine, but of our everyday living. While doing experiments in the lab, you will gain invaluable skills which can be applied on a daily basis. Examples of these skills include problem-solving skills, numerical ability, analytical skills, and oral and written communication skills. Moreover, you will develop excellent time management skills and learn teamwork as most laboratory experiments are carried out in groups. You will also learn computer skills and even acquire expertise in data processing and working on computer software models. All of these are useful skills highly regarded by prospective employers.

What to do with a degree in Chemistry

Since Chemistry is at the fore of scientific and medical studies, then career options truly abound. In fact, graduates of Chemistry are sought-after by many manufacturing industries such as agrochemicals, petrochemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, food, toiletries and the like. Moreover, a degree in Chemistry allows you to work in education, health and medical sector, in research, analysis and scientific support. You can also work as an environmental consultant, patent agent or as a science writer. Many Chemistry graduates also get jobs in other fields such as management, marketing, sales, advertising, as well as business and finance due to the mathematical and analytical skills they have honed. Aside from getting a full-time job, you may further your study of Chemistry to a higher degree, combining study and work.

Best Places to get a Chemistry Degree in the U.S.

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA
Phone: (617) 253-1845

  • Harvard University

Cambridge, MA
Phone: (617) 496-3208

  • University of California-Berkeley

Berkeley, CA
Phone: (510) 642-5882

  • California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, CA
Phone: (626) 395-6110

  • Stanford University

Stanford, CA
Phone: (650) 723-1525

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI
Phone: (888) 997-2436

  • Cornell University

Ithaca, NY
Phone: (607) 255-4139

  • University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL
Phone: (800) 516-0276

  • Scripps Research Institute

La Jolla, CA
Phone: (858) 784-8469

  • Northwestern University

Evanston, IL
Phone: (847) 491-5371

  • Columbia University

New York, NY
Phone: (212) 854-2433

What to do with a degree in Chemistry? Many doors will open for you when you have a Chemistry degree.  All you have to do is choose what feels best for you.

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