Accredited Degree in Chemistry

A college degree is good because it provides students the opportunity of gaining promotions and earning higher salaries. However, the benefits derived from going to college really depend on the type of college a student chooses; it is better to attend an accredited college or university. To make things easier, the US Department of Education makes a comprehensive list of all accredited colleges in the country, but they are not directly responsible for accrediting schools because they’re only part of the agency that is in charge of accreditation. All schools must meet a minimum requirement that is set by the agency before they can get accredited.

A Comparison between Accredited Chemistry Colleges and the Non Accredited Ones

Although there are many unaccredited colleges that several students attend, it is important to note that the degrees obtained from such colleges cannot be used in many cases.

Schools without accreditation usually have lower school fees and the students find it easier to get admitted and graduate from them. Unfortunately, adequate knowledge on certain subjects cannot be acquired because the learning/teaching processes have shortcut methods. For instance, students in accredited schools usually spend more time in the laboratories and this makes them spend more time in schools before they graduate. Another disadvantage of getting a degree in a non accredited school is that you may be denied the chance of enrolling for a graduate course in another school. This can prevent those with high aspirations from actualizing their dreams.

Another problem with unaccredited schools is that those that pass from them may be denied the opportunity to work with reputable companies. Even if you decide to become a teacher, you may not be able to get a teaching job because of the unaccredited degree in your possession.

What an Accredited Degree in chemistry has to offer you

Most schools without accreditation in chemistry cannot provide the necessary background that is needed for students to appreciate and understand chemistry. However, the school with this accreditation will compel you to invest more time in the chemistry laboratory so that you will be able to:

  • Test data
  • Measure substances
  • Work with complex laboratory equipment
  • Prepare laboratory notes
  • Exercise caution when dealing with strong acids and bases
  • Work well with a team
  • Present facts and figures from your laboratory test
  • Make and classify chemical compounds according to their different physical and chemical characteristics.

The courses you will be introduced to will help you have basic knowledge of chemistry. Students who go through these courses are better equipped with the power of deciding more appropriately on the branch of chemistry they would like to specialize in.

Chemistry Courses Usually Taught in Accredited Schools

A bachelor's degree in Chemistry is the basic qualification anyone needs to have fundamental knowledge of the several fields of chemistry. If you are currently studying chemistry and feel you are not getting the basics you need, it is most likely you are studying in an unaccredited school. Students studying chemistry in accredited schools usually take the following courses:

  • General chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Technical writing
  • Calculus
  • Inorganic chemistry and
  • Physics

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